Collection: Stock | Matthiola incana

Matthiola is a genus of flowering plant in the mustard family Brassicaceae. It is named after Italian naturalist Pietro Andrea Mattioli (1501–1577).

Stock, scientifically known as Matthiola, is a lovely flowering annual, best known for its delightful and distinctive spicy-sweet fragrance, vintage appearance and wide range of available colors. A favorite in vertical spike style flowering plants, each well branched, sturdy stem is covered with hundreds of ruffled petal flower clusters. A "must grow" variety among cut flower growers, stock is perfect for cutting gardens in the taller variety. Also available in dwarf series for sweet smelling patio containers or window boxes. Medium height plants are a versatile must-have for garden beds. Stock are cool season flowering and allow for an early season burst of color when the day length reaches just 13 hours; ideal for cut flower growers who want a head start on the early spring season or gardeners who are anxiously awaiting spring color to emerge.

Tips to Grow:

We recommend transplanting, as you can separate seedlings with single and double Flowers. Light is required for germination; cover lightly with vermiculite. Tolerates transplanting well. Stock is cold-resistant plant as it belongs to Brassicaceae family, adult plants tolerate mild frosts (-1-2 ⁰С). Stock is susceptible to the same pests as all other Brassicaceae, keep an eye on them. Do not pinch plants.


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