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Nigella damascena Mis Jekyll Dark Blue

Nigella damascena Mis Jekyll Dark Blue

Regular price €1,20 EUR
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Nigella damascena Mis Jekyll Dark Blue thrives in poor, well-drained soil with minimal water. It looks great when used in informal and cottage gardens, and is especially beautiful in bouquets. The striking pods bring out a captivating aesthetic for both fresh and dried floral arrangements. The plant self-sows with ease.

  • Seeds germinate in 7-14 days.
  • Plants are best direct sown but can be started indoors ahead of time.
  • Sow indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost or direct seed after last chance of frost has passed.
  •  Succession plant every 3 weeks throughout the summer for a longer season of blooms.
  • Surface sow seeds and cover with a thin layer of soil.
  •  Ideal germination temperature is 15-18 C.
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